Olaparib is a potentially life-saving primary breast cancer treatment that could reduce the risk of cancer returning or progressing to incurable secondary breast cancer. In November 2022, it was provisionally rejected for use on the NHS in England.

But, thanks to the help of Breast Cancer Now supporters backing our Olaparib Now campaign, that provisional decision was reversed. Olaparib will now be available to eligible patients on the NHS, giving them the chance to receive the best possible treatment and crucially the hope of a future free from breast cancer.


What we achieved together

After olaparib was rejected, we started a petition urging pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca, NICE and NHS England to find a solution to make olaparib available to the women who could benefit from it. Over 70,000 people added their name - creating pressure that played a crucial role in reversing the provisional decision. 

Thank you

We want to say a massive thank you to everybody who signed our petition and helped us send the strongest message possible that this drug needed to be made routinely available on the NHS.

To keep up to date with our other work, please sign up for campaign updates below.

“It’s daunting to know that your breast cancer is less common and more aggressive than other types of breast cancer, with a higher risk of returning in the years immediately following treatment. I feel incredibly lucky to have been given the opportunity to benefit from olaparib. Given the significant reduction in the risk of breast cancer recurring that it provides It’s vital that other eligible women with primary breast cancer are able to benefit from olaparib too.”

A patient with BRCA positive, primary triple negative breast cancer, who has been receiving olaparib via the drug company’s early access programme.

Frequently asked questions