Dr Elena Rainero is investigating how breast cancer cells use alternative energy sources to grow and spread, and the role of protein called a2b1 integrin in this. Understanding these processes could lead to new treatments.

Dr Matt Williams is investigating the effectiveness of an alternative type of radiotherapy for people with secondary breast tumours in the brain. He’s running a small clinical trial to see if it could replace the current approach of delivering radiotherapy to the whole brain.

Professor Ellen Copson wants to find out if a person’s body composition and muscle mass influences the severity of the side effects they get following chemotherapy for secondary breast cancer. She’s carrying out a clinical trial across multiple parts of the UK.

Dr Mel Cooper is investigating the barriers to breast cancer screening within the UK black African community. She wants to find ways to support more black African women to go to screening.

Dr Amy Llewellyn is studying aggressive breast cancers that have spread to the lymph nodes and didn’t respond well to chemotherapy before surgery. She’s investigating how changes in the lymph nodes help the cancer to spread further, making it more difficult to treat.

Dr Clare Davies is investigating how a protein called PRMT5 can help triple negative breast cancer resist chemotherapy. This could lead to better treatment options.